Sample Book Sale Send-home Sheet

Feel free to download, copy or change this sample sheet to fit your needs.  
•  To copy text, highlight text, select "copy," and paste into your word-processing program.
•  To save book jacket image, right click on image, and select "save as" or equivalent.

This sample sheet shows some of my favorite features:  

  • Straightforward information ("Author visiting our school!") and call to action ("Payment must be received by date!")

  • Student name and teacher names just below the tear-off portion allow for this part of the order form to stick out of the signed book, making distribution to classrooms and students after signing much easier.

  • Modest space for inscription and student name keeps inscriptions from becoming too long.

Also note:  book prices are not indicated here.  Schools can determine actual sale prices—either the actual cost of the book to the school/PTO at the author visit discount, or at a higher set price.  A higher set price can help offset the school visit.  (For instance, a $16.99 book might be available for nearly half that from the publisher.  If the school offers it to students at $12, the school receives the difference, yet the student receives a book at below regular sale price).