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Green Bat's Journal
Me with my travel box
I was launched in Riverside Illinois, after the October 10, 2008 book event at the Riverside Public Library. Why Riverside? The Riverside Public Library is the model for the library in Bats at the Library. Brian Lies’s father grew up in this town, and he got to know the library while visiting his grandparents as a kid.
Here I am in the office of Library Director Janice Fisher, with my travel case open. Whooo! So much to do to get ready to travel. . .
Stop Number 1:
Here I am outside the Cortez (Colorado) Public Library, eager to find out what’s inside. I just flew in from Riverside, Illinois —and boy, are my wings tired! . . . just joking. I got to fly business class, and it was great.
Taking a breather before I go in.
Starting to think that fruit bats might have it right!
It was cold in Cortez— so I got some energy from fruit in a tree outside the library. How do fruit bats eat this stuff, anyway? Give me some nice, crunchy moths any day!
Turns out they don't rent skis to bats.
Dec. 3, 2008: I land in Telluride, Colorado
These mountains are HUGE! I’m out of breath--Telluride is at 8,750 feet. I met everyone who works at the Wilkinson Public Library, plus some dogs, and lots of kids at storytime. The kids at the library wished I could have stayed, but they just had a generous snowfall (if I skiied, this would be the place!). I’m off to the desert next. . . the high desert of far western Colorado. Thanks to Elizabeth, Paula, Maggie, Jacquie, and Pritchett for showing me such a wonderful time!
Turns out she and I had a lot in common.
Here I am in the Children’s Room at the Wilkinson Public Library, with the really cool reading chair. Hey, chair, am I boring you? Or are you trying to get me to sing a duet with you?
June 21, 2009: Out of Hiding
Ha HA!
I’ve been hiding out in an undisclosed location in Colorado, and I can’t tell you where! But I had a nice, relaxing vacation, and now I’m on my way again.
I'm reporting from the Farmington Public Library. Farmington is in the Four Corners area of New Mexico where New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona meet.
During my visit to the Farmington Public Library I was able to roost in a tree just my size. . .
. . . and I had a drink from the cool fountain outside the library doors!
Look at these story time room doors, carved by former Farmington mayor Tom Taylor and his wife, Bev. Aren’t they amazing? They look like a story book complete with a huge dragon!
I visited the Youth Services area for a look at their picture books, too. I love reading!
Next time you are on vacation in the Four Corners area stop by the Farmington Public Library and say hello! Just tell them Green Bat sent you!
Now I’m on to my next library—can’t wait to tell you about my visit!
I just told Julian K. a really funny joke.
Journal Entry # 4: Santa Fe, New Mexico
I landed in Santa Fe, and had fun in the library there. Look at this: Julian K. and I are measuring ourselves!
. . . I’m taller, right?
Journal Entry #5:
late July, 2009
Whew…what a long flight! I made it to the Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico on July 16th, 2009…For the next few days; I made my home at the Laguna Public Library, one of 18 Tribal Libraries in New Mexico.
Laguna Pueblo is big!
There are 6 villages within the Pueblo of Laguna (Mesita, Laguna, Paguate, Encinal, Paraje, and Seama). Here I am at the Village of Laguna.
I also went to my first Feast Day in Seama Village! I asked for a bug flavored sno-cone, but they didn’t have any.
Here's me with the book.
I made it just in time for arts and crafts and the Tahitian Dance Workshop! The staff were great in making me feel right at home!
I had my own personal buffet with many choices of insects outside the library.
I enjoyed reading with the kids during
the Summer Reading Program.
Journal Entry #6:
August 17, 2009
I’m picking up my pace! There’s just so much to see in the Southwest.
I paid a visit to the Santa Fe Main Branch library. Nobody answered my knock at the door, so I tried to get in this way.
A tight squeeze!
I probably should have just waited until the library opened!
As it was, I needed a librarian to help get me
out of the jam I got myself into. Kind of embarrassing.
See the funky sunglasses I found?
Please, no photos!
I was asked my opinion on the ages-old, official New Mexico question: red or green chiles?
. . . And I have the answer:
Here I got to meet the Mountain Man at the Palace of the Governors. I can’t wear hats. They fall off in mid-air.
Before I left, I had just enough time to shop for some presents. Check out this turquoise work!
So where do you think I’ll turn up next? Wisconsin? Waco? Williwatchee?
. . . wait. Is there even a Williwatchee in the U.S??!?