Now available for pre-order:
MEET the MINI-MAMMALS, written by Melissa Stewart. Publishes March, 2025!
Step inside a magical museum . . . and meet the mini-mammals!
These itty-bitty beasts may be some of the world’s smallest mammals, but they live big, fascinating lives.
Come learn about them—and find out which mini-mammal is the teeniest of all!
Some dates are still available for an author visit in Spring, 2025. Contact me as soon as possible to ensure your dates.
Click here to check out my programs for grades K-6!
Little Bat / Up All Day
Little Bat wonders about daytime. Who, exactly, is awake then? How does the world look when he's normally asleep? What if he were to stay up all day? He's excited to see how everything looks in the sun!
It turns out the world is a much different place during the day. It's hot, bright, and noisy. Luckily, Rusty the Squirrel is willing to show Little Bat around. But when these new, fast friends separate at the end of the day, how will they stay in touch when one is usually awake. . . and the other is asleep?
Wombat Said Come In
written by Carmen Agra Deedy, illustrated by Brian Lies.
While wildfire is raging above, Wombat stays safe in his cozy burrow. What might he do when trouble—in the form of an unexpected guest—comes knocking at his door?
The Rough Patch
Evan and his dog do everything together. They play and read and eat. But mostly you will find them tending to Evan’s extraordinary garden, where flowers and other good things flourish and reach for the sky.
But friends don’t always stay forever, and when Evan loses his, he destroys the place that meant the most to them, and creates something to match his mood. Something ugly and twisted, sad and stubborn, ragged and rough—and he likes it that way.
Until one day . . .
The Rough Patch, Greenwillow Books, August, 2018